Illegitimate Children

There is no such thing as an illegitimate child. Let’s get that out of the way. And please don’t try to whatever-splain to me what the term means; I know what we say it means, and I know how it is used. It is just one more example of adults passing the blame onto the innocent. The passage that is often used to transfer blame and sin from one generation to another – “The sins of the parents (fathers) is visited upon the children” (Deuteronomy 5:9) – is really about how future generations suffer from the mess their fore-parents made. It is happening with the environment and national debt; it happens in other ways as well.

There is such a thing as illegitimate adults. I’ve been watching with some anger as the Biden family has purposely rejected a child born out of wedlock (another ridiculous term0 to Hunter, the problem child of the family. His extra-marital affair produced a child who is now four years old, and that child’s family – including the president and Dr. Biden – have refused to acknowledge that she exists. Illegitimacy was claimed throughout history to deny rights and property. It is based on the ancient Latin dictum, “Mater semper certa est” (“The [identity of the] mother is always certain”, while the father is not), and is just a way to control who gets what, especially when it comes to royal succession and familial wealth. In the same way that most cultures blame women for being assaulted, innocent children (and their mothers) bear the brunt of the punishment for the mistakes of their progenitors. 

My mother and wife were both adopted – and I thank God every day for those good people who loved them so much – but were they illegitimate? Were they not worthy of love and respect and recognition? We could say that Jesus was seen as illegitimate in the eyes of the society He was born into, which is a good case to stop using that term. Joseph stepped up and protected Jesus and Mary from certain death, just one more hero in a tradition of good people making difficult choices. Hunter Biden lied about the very existence of this child, but her mother persisted. A person of moral and ethical quality would do what Joseph did; step up and embrace this child you helped create. Stop being a coward. Stop being a child. Grow up.

To all of you who were adopted – you are amazing. And you know who is also amazing? Your parents, the ones who extended their love beyond themselves. The people who decided that their world needed more, so they chose you. You, and all the children before you and yet to come, are legitimate. You matter to God, even if there are some who would rather ignore your existence. There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate adults. Stop blaming the children. 

Prayer – Thank you God, for blessing and loving each one of us made in Your image. And thank you for the people who step up when others can’t or won’t. They are living Your Gospel. Amen.

Today’s art is called “The Holy Family” by Lucas Southerton.

