Todays Thought

What is Todays Thought?

Every Morning (M-F): Today’s Thought – a 3-minute read about spirituality and life, meant to be prayed about, commented on and shared with others.


We are all in the gray

I consider myself to be left of center on almost every issue, which should be obvious to anyone who knows me. If you are a liberal in Iowa, you might…
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Thinking Things Through

One of the gifts and curses of my life is that my brain works on hyper-drive. That doesn’t mean it is better or smarter than others; on the contrary, most…
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Aging and Dying

I thought I would put you in a happy mood with my title today. These are two subjects I have written about before because they are, and always have been,…
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If you hate someone enough

There are a lot of Scripture passages that I struggle with, but the one that has always given me the most trouble is from what is commonly known as the…
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Empathy is the ability to feel with someone – to understand their struggles and feelings that they are dealing with. Sympathy is feeling for someone – having pity or expressing…
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Labels Can Kill

It was 1691-3 in Salem, Massachusetts, and there was an outbreak of witchcraft. Over 200 people – mostly women – ranging from infants to people in their 80’s, were accused…
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It’s Complicated

I love books – I love the feel, the covers, the ease of finding what I want in them. I am also an environmentalist, so I bought a Kindle –…
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Dan Quayle, for those who were not born or don’t remember, was the VP for President Bush, the first. He was a pleasant enough person who, for many of us,…
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Pointing Fingers

This week, the almost unthinkable happened – a former president was shot while giving a speech. Most of us responded with shock and horror and prayers. Some of us asked…
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Actions Speak Louder

About 12 years ago I read about a movement called “Polished Man” (get the whole story here – About Polished Man). At first, I read a couple of different accounts…
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Daily Thoughts

Thinking Things Through

One of the gifts and curses of my life is that my brain works on hyper-drive. That doesn’t mean it…

Aging and Dying

I thought I would put you in a happy mood with my title today. These are two subjects I have…

If you hate someone enough

There are a lot of Scripture passages that I struggle with, but the one that has always given me the…


Empathy is the ability to feel with someone – to understand their struggles and feelings that they are dealing with.…

Labels Can Kill

It was 1691-3 in Salem, Massachusetts, and there was an outbreak of witchcraft. Over 200 people – mostly women –…

It’s Complicated

I love books – I love the feel, the covers, the ease of finding what I want in them. I…


Dan Quayle, for those who were not born or don’t remember, was the VP for President Bush, the first. He…

Pointing Fingers

This week, the almost unthinkable happened – a former president was shot while giving a speech. Most of us responded…

Actions Speak Louder

About 12 years ago I read about a movement called “Polished Man” (get the whole story here – About Polished…

If God is Love, Why are so Many Christians so Mean and Angry?

Candace Owens is a conservative media personality – I hesitate to use that term because I know too many conservatives…


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