God is Love

For years I have been trying to figure out how to get the word out that not all churches are okay with hateful behavior and inequality. Just like every church believes they are friendly and welcoming and inclusive (they often aren’t), so it is with hate and inequality: no congregation that I know of would define themselves with those words. And there are lots of churches practicing inequality that are really nice places to worship; they aren’t hateful, but they don’t treat everyone the same. For example, if your church won’t ordain women to preach, your church embraces inequality. Talk to the hand; I know your misguided “biblical” reasons, and I don’t buy them. If equality for women was okay with Jesus, it’s okay with me. If Jesus never said a word about LGBTQ people, I think it means He loves them just like He loves you and me. Stop putting words in His mouth.

Recently, I came upon the idea to call communities of faith who embrace equality and kindness “God is Love” congregations. I already have 15 (including mine) who self-identify that they fit into this definition. Again – to be clear – you and the people of your congregation might be caring, giving, loving souls, but if your congregation and/or denomination doesn’t treat women as equals or believes LGBTQ people are going to hell, you don’t fit into this group. I don’t think you are going to hell, nor do I think you are bad people. I just think you haven’t quite gotten to where we are yet, and that is completely your choice. To be part of the God is Love movement, you have to be able to honestly tell the world that every person of faith is welcome. The only disclaimer is someone who legally cannot be around children because they are on Megan’s list. They can still belong and participate online, but the law limits their in-person activity. 

I have had a number of people argue with me that my definition is too limited, and they are right – it is. For example, there are many wonderful Catholic churches and priests in the world, but they don’t fit into this movement because they don’t ordain women and they don’t allow Protestants to receive communion (even though church law allows it). These congregations are doing great work and are truly trying to follow the teachings of Jesus, and I say, good for them! But we are in a new age; we are in a time when more and more people are running away from religion because they see the truth about our hypocrisy. They are calling bs on those of us who aren’t embracing those who have been excluded. They are calling us out for our blatant misrepresentation of the Gospel. They know what too many of us don’t – that God is Love, and to use God to demean, exclude and injure God’s children goes against the very nature of God. God is Love.

This is not a new denomination, nor is it another way to divide us. I think it is a call to action and conscience; a way to look at ourselves honestly and change for the better. And it isn’t that anything goes; Jesus didn’t say that everyone would go to heaven, and He was pretty hard on those who used God’s name in vain and didn’t care for those in need. That was His measure. And it seems like a pretty good way to see things. God is Love, and God expects us to be Love as well. That’s my point.

Prayer – God of Love, remind each one of us every day to be our best for You. In our times of judgment and self-righteousness, turn our hearts to You. Amen.

Today’s art is “God’s Pure Love” by Deborah Brown Maher.

