Hating Taylor Swift

No, not me! Full disclosure – Taylor and her family lived down the street from where we now live (not the Xmas Tree farm), and we got to know them briefly before they moved to Nashville so she could seek fame and fortune. And no, I am not a fan of her music (also don’t dislike it), but I am a fan of her. I am not a soft rock kind of guy, but I can appreciate her music writing and her storytelling skills, as well as her intelligence, business acumen, and character. Taylor was like any other teenage girl, but with tremendous talent and a wonderful family to back her up. And I, for one, wish the camera people at the Chief’s games would leave her alone – let her cheer her boyfriend on in peace, for goodness’ sake!

So, I have to wonder why there has been such a backlash against her? The football nerds believe that Travis Kelce has been playing poorly – and, up until the last game, this is mostly true – because she has been present. Their sexist nonsense has labeled her as a distraction. Well, you can’t fix ignorance or misogyny easily. Putting them aside, it seems that a lot of conservatives are angry at her because she has endorsed some Democrats for office, including Pres. Biden. An article in Rolling Stone quoted some Trump supporters saying they would wage a Holy War against Ms. Swift – yes, a Holy War. What the @$#%! is going on here?

There are lots of opinions, so mine is not better or worse than what has already been said. I look for the root causes of people’s behavior, and I think this hatred of Swift is not about her alone. I think that a lot of very conservative people hate any woman who speaks her mind. They hate smart women – they hate independent women – they hate women who want control over their bodies and refuse to allow men to control them. This isn’t about Taylor Swift’s music; it is about her audacity in having an opinion that might sway others to agree with her and vote against them. From everything I have seen and read about Ms. Swift, she is the polar opposite of Mr. Trump in almost every way. She is kind. Her music is often about love (and old boyfriends, so be careful Travis). She believes in a woman’s right to choose and is supportive of the LGBTQ community. One thing they have in common is the almost irrational devotion of their fans. And Taylor has way more money than Mr. Trump, which probably infuriates him most of all.

I will continue to pray for both of them, but Ms. Swift most of all. The worst thing a Swifty might do is say that Mr. Trump is a meany. The other side, however, poses a clear and present danger to Taylor’s life. While she continues to focus on hope, love, and the possibilities of the human condition, Mr. Trump focuses on hate, division, and greed. Those differences should cause all of us to recognize the truth of this situation. 

Prayer – God, thank You for people like Taylor Swift who use their power for good. Help keep her safe. Amen.

