Why Do We Pray?

As I sat down just now to write this, my news feed showed me a number of reports saying that former President Trump is selling Bibles for $60 and telling us he wants to “Make America Pray Again.” This most recent version of Christian Nationalism is, to me, the perfect example of why our founders didn’t want religion controlling government or government controlling religion. This bible can be found, by the way, at www.godblesstheusabible.com – warning – it is the King James Version. And honestly, I think that praying and reading the Bible are important, and these Bibles also include our nation’s foundational documents, which everyone should read and go back to regularly. We are a nation based on the Constitution fully, and the Bible a little bit, so go ahead and read to your heart’s content (but try the NRSV or the Jerusalem of Oxford Annotated Version.)

A deeper question, though, is Why do we pray? I pray all the time; I go over our church’s prayer list a couple times a week. When someone comes to mind, I say a quick prayer for that person and their loved ones. I read the news and pray for the people who are in trouble or experiencing tragedy. The terrorist attack in Moscow – the bridge collapse in Baltimore – the rising death toll in Gaza – the kidnapped Israelis held by Hamas. If I had the time, I would be praying every second of the day. But I don’t think that my prayers are magic! I don’t think I have an in with God; some kind of special favoritism because I am a member of the clergy (I really wish I did!) I am not a big believer in my being able to do miracles, although I have seen things happen that I cannot explain. 

I pray for people to have courage, but I don’t pray for sports teams. I pray at hospital beds, but I don’t pray for new Harley. I pray for strength to get through the day as I deal with all kinds of people in need, but I don’t pray for a bag of money to fall out of the sky. If you are looking for someone to make God do your bidding, you have come to the wrong guy. God is not our puppet or a cosmic slot machine; God is not here to meet our demands. It is quite the opposite – we are here to do for others what God cannot physically accomplish. Like that old meme, I asked God why God lets bad things happen, and God said, “I was just about to ask you the same thing!” Prayer probably does things that I do not understand, so please, don’t think I am telling you that prayer doesn’t matter. It matters to me when someone says they will pray for me; I hope it matters to you as well.

So, go ahead and pray away – it can’t hurt, right? Read your Bibles (but please, not King James, for the sake of all that is holy!) Allow prayer to bring you peace and comfort and conviction, then follow it up with good works. That is why I pray. Prayer gives me the resolve to do good. Prayer gives me a moment of tranquility as I try to figure out what people need. Prayer gives me a moment to discern whether someone is telling the truth or trying to scam me. I don’t pray for miracles, but I do I pray for peace of mind and encouragement in the darkest of times. Hope you take some time to pray today.

Prayer – Holy God, we take a moment to start another amazing day to follow You. Help us to pray and do for others as You, and they, need us to do. Amen.

Today’s art is “Prayer” by Beverly Healy.

