God’s Welcome is Expansive

Some years ago, the United Church of Christ tried to convince congregations to offer an extravagant welcome. It was a follow-up to the “God is Still Speaking” message that was, in my opinion, a brilliant way to speak to those who were searching for churches that were open to inclusion and diversity. The word “extravagant”, however, didn’t hit home as well as was hoped. I get the point, but the term itself is beyond what I think of when it comes to our relationship with God. I equate it with being over the top or excessive. But that’s just me. Recently, however, a friend posted, in response to one of these thoughts, that a woman (Kay) in her congregation who is preparing for the ministry used the word “expansive” rather than “inclusive” to speak to how God works in the world. I like this a lot. This idea that God doesn’t just welcome, but, as John Pavlovich writes, invites us to make a bigger table, appeals to how I understand the nature of God.

Then, last night, as I watched the interviews following the amazing S. Carolina/Iowa basketball final, Dawn Staley – who is not just an amazing person, but an exceptional coach – thanked God and said that “God had given them uncommon favor” in their win over Iowa. Now, this might just be a term she hears used in church, but my question upon hearing that was, “So, God doesn’t like Iowa as much as God likes S. Carolina?” I doubt that Ms. Staley meant that; she is a great competitor and must have been appreciative of the Iowa effort in the game. Regardless, doesn’t she understand that this kind of statement tells us that she believes that God likes her and her team best? That God helped them win and caused Iowa to lose? Of course, as a nation we have been saying this from before the Revolutionary War – we were God’s new chosen people. God’s favorite. Everyone else is inferior to us. We are arrogant.

The Apostle Paul, some 2000 years ago, wrote in Romans 2 (it appears in Acts 10 as well) that God shows no partiality – God doesn’t play favorites. In fact, the idea appears 20 times in the Bible, and none of them say that it is okay for God (or us) to favor some people or person or group over others. And yet, watch any TV preacher or prosperity believer, and they will assure you that if you pray hard enough and give enough money, God will favor you with earthly success. This is a flat-out lie. We have to choose what to believe about God; does God favor some and exclude others, or is God’s love expansive? Favor is exclusive – Expansion is inclusive. Instead of saying there isn’t enough soup for unexpected guests, we just add a little more liquid. Our God is about plenty, not scarcity.

Too often, our congregations are looking inward and protecting what we have rather than looking outward and making room for more. God is still speaking – God is expansive – God is big enough for all of us. The God of exclusion and favoritism and chosen-ness is too small. The only reason to make God and the Kingdom of Heaven small is to keep some of God’s children out. That is not on God – that is on us. Stop blaming God for the bigotry that gets spewed out by some of God’s believers. It isn’t God’s fault that they don’t get it.

Prayer – Holy God, You and Your kingdom are so much bigger than we can imagine. Help us to open ourselves to Your vastness, Your expansiveness, and Your ever-increasing love. Amen.

Today’s art is brought to us by God.

