I Have Palestinian Friends Too

On October 7th the world watched in horror as Israel was the victim of a well-executed terror attack that killed almost 1,300 people and included the kidnapping of over 240 more. Hamas, a terrorist group that has vowed to kill all Jews, attacked and brutalized innocent people who were just living their lives. When this happened, Israel responded the same way any sovereign nation would – they went after the terrorists who were hiding in hospital basements and behind their own children. Terrorists don’t love their children or nation or God – they thrive on hatred. It was another reminder that there are groups of people and nations who want to finish what Hitler did not. They want all the Jews dead.

In the months that have followed, we have seen an overwhelming offensive by Israel to root out and destroy Hamas, which has led to the death of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. I have supported my Jewish friends and the nation of Israel, even though I, like so many of them, have struggled with some of the actions of the Israeli government. I have a lot of Jewish friends, but I have Palestinian friends too. They didn’t vote for Hamas and then watch Hamas become a totalitarian regime. They don’t want to see the end of the Jewish people. They just want it to stop. As we all do.

But what is the solution? Hamas has maimed, tortured, and raped the people they kidnapped, and they still hold dozens of hostages, although they claim they don’t have enough to meet Israel’s latest requirements for a “trade”. Israel has leveled so much of Gaza that it is unsuited for human use. We all weep as we watch the devastation. We all recoil at the increased anti-Semitism and anti-Islamic hate in this country. We wear pins of support and watch as protests grow. There were even chants of “death to America” at a recent protest rally in Michigan. Now Iran has attacked Israel, reminding us that yes, there are nations and groups and people who want all Jews dead. I have a lot of Jewish friends, but I have Palestinian friends too. 

We pray for peace, but our prayers will not achieve it. The reality is that there are some nations and people and groups who will never stop trying to kill every Jew, and it also a reality that Israel will never stop fighting for its right to exist. I don’t have the answer; nobody does. Taking one side or the other doesn’t solve anything. Trotting out memes about who was where first or asking, “What does the Bible say about it?” doesn’t bring healing. We all want the fighting to stop. We all want Hamas gone. We all want the kidnapped victims brought home. We all want innocent Palestinians and Jews to live in peace. Because most of us have Jewish friends; and we have Palestinians friends too.

Prayer – God of Abraham and Isaac and Ishmael, inspire us with Your Spirit to find common ground to stand against evil in its many forms. Give us the courage to find peace – together. Amen.

Today’s art is of a Jew and a Muslim playing chess in 13th-century al-Andalus (courtesy of Escurial Library).

