Mary & Joseph Got Arrested

The idea that good fences make for good neighbors is one of those half-truths that we have perpetuated in this country. First, though; I have always believed that borders exist for a reason, and we should protect them, no matter where they are. The fact that our northern border isn’t really protected, and our southern border sort of is, should cause us to ask why. After all, some of the 9/11 terrorists came through the north. I don’t remember any of them coming from the south. But I digress. Anyway – fences. I had two neighbors growing up; the one to the left put a fence up to keep us apart- we weren’t friends. There was no fence between our house and the house to the right – we were friends. Things that make you go hmmm.

I cannot imagine what border states go through trying to keep order; the economic burden is overwhelming. And it is one of the few truths in our history that no political party has handled this situation well. I believe we could fix this if we worked together, but that seems to be an option that few want to embrace. Gov. Abbott of Texas just signed a bill (SB4) that allows law enforcement to arrest anyone they think is there illegally. Kind of like your neighbor who calls the police because a person of color is walking down the street, and they think that person doesn’t live or belong there. Gov. Abbott is also a devout Catholic who has come under fire from his bishop and members of his home congregation for not using compassion in dealing with this issue. This is not a new problem for Abbott; a 2015 article in the Texas Tribune pointed this out concerning the federal government’s attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to Texas. And while Abbott often points to his religious upbringing and values as integral to his work in politics, he seems to have lost sight of what that means. Being a devout Catholic isn’t only about abortion. If Mary and Joseph were trying to cross the Mexican border to get away from King Herod, Abbott would have them arrested. 

And no – the idea that we should have open borders is ridiculous. Having control over the flow of people from one jurisdiction to another keeps people safe. How we do that is an entirely different issue. The point for many Americans is the cruelty. Consider how positively former Pres. Trump’s comment about immigrants “poisoning the blood of our nation” was received from many in our country. It is almost exactly what Hitler said about non-Germans. Labeling non-residents as poisonous will lead to residents who look like them to be persecuted. Which will lead to other groups being labeled and attacked. Just look what has happened to American Jews and Palestinians since the Hamas terrorist attack.

Not only would Mary and Joseph have been arrested and detained, but once she gave birth to Jesus, He quite possibly would be taken from them and fostered. That’s what happened during the last administration. It could happen again. Mary and Joseph were seeking asylum; so are countless refugees fleeing to save their children from murder, rape, and so much more. Seeking asylum, by the way, is still legal in America. For now. Not everyone should be allowed to enter our borders, but it also shouldn’t be based on bias.

Prayer – God of all nations, helps us to live by the rule of law with compassion. Help us to use our faith to lift up rather than tear down. Amen.

Today’s art is “The Flight to Egypt” by Brother Mickey McGrath.

