If you haven’t heard of NAR, you need to do some reading. They are an ultra-conservative – actually, I don’t want to use conservative to describe them; there are many positive aspects to being a real conservative. The NAR is a loosely affiliated group of mega-church pastors and politicians who believe that Donald Trump is God’s choice to be president. One woman, Paula White-Cain (Trump’s spiritual advisor), has been intensely immersed in this movement, but there are many more. They were crucial to the January 6th insurrection and are behind much of the anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion legislation that is happening around the country. They oppose anything that does not fit in with their narrow understanding of Christianity and believe that we are in the end-times “predicted” in the Book of Revelation. They are locked and loaded – literally – and ready to take on Satan and the powers of darkness in an all-out war. This 2021 document will give you insight into their belief system (Prophetic Standards Statement – A Unified Call for Prophetic Accountability). House Speaker Mike Johnson is actively involved in their work.
I want to be very clear about something: I don’t want a Christian president. I want a president who leads according to the rule of law and understands the Constitution. We have had a couple of presidents who practiced the Christian faith – Jimmy Carter being the most obvious – but there is no correlation between faithfulness and being a good president. I do not believe that God chooses our leaders (sorry Apostle Paul); I believe that we vote for them. The NAR is fully committed to the big lie about the 2020 election, and their actions since then have been focused on overturning democracy. In other words, if Trump is God’s choice, who are we to fight against that with our votes? Their plan is to create a fifth spoke of Christianity and for that movement to control this country. They are also very committed to having 1st-century Israel borders so Jesus can return and wage war against the Devil.
I wish I was making all of this up, but I am not. I raise this once again to make it clear that we are at a dangerous point in our existence as a nation. What is happening here is what happened to the church under the influence of the Nazis in Germany. The NAR is a lie that has nothing to do with God and everything to do with human greed and power-seeking. Their dictatorial methods promote (in part) banning books, silencing educators, taking over school boards, persecuting LGBTQ communities, and demonizing people of other religions. That includes people like me. They wrap the cross in the American flag and use them both to beat people into submission. I beg you to find out if candidates in your community, state, and nationally are aligned with this movement. They are not concerned with governing; they are trying to create a perverted fake Christian version of Iran. They are an American version of Hamas. And the only thing that can stop them is by voting for people who care about all of us. We are not, and never have been a one-religion nation. If we care about a nation that promotes democracy and religious freedom, we need to work to keep it. Or we will lose it.
Prayer – Holy God, give us wisdom in these difficult times, and help us to recognize those who want freedom and equality instead of divisiveness and hate. Amen.
Want to know more? Read this – The New Apostlic Reformation – What Christians Should Know about Beliefs (crosswalk.com)