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Developing as a Congregation and Community

Forgiveness as a Weapon

Most of us were raised on the idea that Jesus expects us to always forgive people who have done us ...
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Enslaved by Doctrine

One of the greatest things about America is the First Amendment - the right to Freedom of Religion, Speech, Assembly, ...
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Equality by Betty Areson


In my little Methodist Church just outside of New York City, I was taught that Jesus meant Freedom. Liberation. New ...
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Childhood Memories by Andrea Banjac

Never Forget

I was raised in a part of the world where we learned about the Holocaust on a regular basis in ...
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Sins of the Amish

One of our church leaders recently suggested I watch a series called "Sins of the Amish." She told me that ...
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When Was America Great?

The MAGA movement swept President Trump into office and has been a bone of contention in America ever since. Its ...
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Yearning to Belong

I was lucky enough to have the amazing Rev. Dr. Samuel Dewitt Proctor as my advisor for my Doctor of ...
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The Enemy is Us

If you read my thoughts regularly, you know that I am pretty hard on clergy who misbehave. This has been ...
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Christ Will Come Again?

One of the things I enjoy about having a Sunday off is the opportunity to worship in different places. This ...
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Heresy, Part 3

Once more I will go into the fray around transgender concerns. It seems that another "pastor", this time of the ...
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